Seneca, the Stoic philosopher from ancient Rome, emphasized the value of time and the importance of using it wisely. Despite the availability of numerous time management courses, it appears that we still struggle to effectively manage our time. Many individuals find it challenging to prioritize tasks, avoid distractions, and make the most of their limited…
Reflections of Human and Artificial Intelligence
Although there isn’t a definitive definition of intelligence, we always tend to talk about it due to its impact on everyday life and its influence on technology. I understand that intelligence is a mental and multifaceted phenomenon that involves cognitive abilities, and it’s also an adaptable capacity that enables humans to face a wide range…
Exploring the Concept of the «Lesbian Man»
The term «lesbian man» has emerged in the public sphere and online conversations, but what does it really mean? Conventional definitions tend to suggest that these men adopt certain feminine traits in their behavior, such as kindness and sensitivity, which, from my perspective, could be confused with the stereotype of the «effeminate man». However, is…
Meeting the Demands of Today’s Women
In the digital era we live in, we are constantly bombarded with information on how to become a high-value man to attract the women we desire. This information, backed by scientific research, promises a path to successful and satisfying relationships. However, is this ideal of being a high-value man truly attainable, or is it just…
Merry Christmas & Happy new Year???
In this very special season, I want to share a message filled with love, reflection, and solidarity. Christmas is a time to celebrate, but it’s also an opportunity to remember the blessing we have to live in a place where peace and stability are a daily reality. Let’s remember that there are citizens facing difficult…
Desenvolvendo a Inteligência Intelectual e Emocional
No mundo acelerado de hoje, os pais e educadores estão constantemente em busca de atividades que não só estimulem o intelecto de seus filhos, mas também promovam um desenvolvimento emocional saudável. Uma dessas atividades, muitas vezes subestimada, é o jogo de xadrez. Estudos conduzidos por várias instituições em todo o mundo têm destacado os inúmeros…
WALL-E Gives Us a Sight of What Our Future Could Be!
In 2008, the animated film WALL-E was released, providing a captivating and, in many ways, prophetic vision of a future that, although not yet arrived, may not be too distant. As we immerse ourselves in an increasingly AI-dominated world, WALL-E’s warning becomes ever more relevant. The story unfolds in a future where artificial intelligence has…
O Inesperado Espetáculo no Comboio “Uma Experiência de Vergonha”
Ontem, após uma noite divertida num evento social de salsa em Lisboa, deparei-me com uma experiência que me deixou envergonhado publicamente, algo que já não me acontecia há muito tempo, pois já nem me recordava do que era sentir vergonha. Durante o regresso a Setúbal, como é habitual quando viajo de transportes públicos, levo comigo…
Poderia a IA ser considerada como uma divinidade?
Hoje, gostaria de partilhar convosco um paralelo fascinante que pode ajudar-nos a refletir sobre a natureza humana e a possibilidade de um encontro com seres divinos. Sabiam que existe uma comunidade de seres humanos que ainda vivem como os nossos antepassados antigos? Estes seres vivem em profunda ligação com o seu território, defendendo-o ferozmente e…